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** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: xcharts2.c
** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
** them in any way.
** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
** by any user of this program.
** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
#include "astrolog.h"
#ifdef GRAPH
** Chart Graphics Utility Procedures.
/* Return whether the specified object should be displayed in the current */
/* graphics chart type. For example, don't include the Moon in the solar */
/* system charts, don't include house cusps in astro-graph, and so on. */
bool FProper(i)
int i;
bool f;
if (gi.nMode == gHorizon || gi.nMode == gEphemeris || fMap ||
gi.nMode == gGlobe || gi.nMode == gPolar) /* Astro-graph / ephem charts */
f = FObject(i);
else if (gi.nMode == gOrbit) /* Solar system charts */
f = FObject(i) && (i != oMoo || (us.fPlacalc && us.objCenter < oMoo));
f = fTrue;
return f && !ignore[i]; /* Check restriction status */
/* Adjust an array of zodiac positions so that no two positions are within */
/* a certain orb of each other. This is used by the wheel drawing chart */
/* routines in order to make sure that we don't draw any planet glyphs on */
/* top of each other. We'll later draw the glyphs at the adjusted positions. */
void FillSymbolRing(symbol)
real *symbol;
real orb = DEFORB*256.0/(real)gs.yWin*(real)gi.nScale, k1, k2, temp;
int i, j, k = 1, l;
/* Keep adjusting as long as we can still make changes, or until we do 'n' */
/* rounds. (With many objects, there just may not be enough room for all.) */
for (l = 0; k && l < us.nDivision*2; l++) {
k = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (FProper(i)) {
/* For each object, determine who is closest on either side. */
k1 = rLarge; k2 = -rLarge;
for (j = 1; j <= cObj; j++)
if (FProper(j) && i != j) {
temp = symbol[j]-symbol[i];
if (RAbs(temp) > rDegHalf)
temp -= rDegMax*RSgn(temp);
if (temp < k1 && temp >= 0.0)
k1 = temp;
else if (temp > k2 && temp <= 0.0)
k2 = temp;
/* If an object's too close on one side, then we move to the other. */
if (k2 > -orb && k1 > orb) {
k = 1; symbol[i] = Mod(symbol[i]+orb*0.51+k2*0.49);
} else if (k1 < orb && k2 < -orb) {
k = 1; symbol[i] = Mod(symbol[i]-orb*0.51+k1*0.49);
/* If we are bracketed by close objects on both sides, then let's move */
/* to the midpoint, so we are as far away as possible from either one. */
} else if (k2 > -orb && k1 < orb) {
k = 1; symbol[i] = Mod(symbol[i]+(k1+k2)*0.5);
/* Adjust an array of longitude positions so that no two are within a */
/* certain orb of each other. This is used by the astro-graph routine to */
/* make sure we don't draw any planet glyphs marking the lines on top of */
/* each other. This is almost identical to the FillSymbolRing() routine */
/* used by the wheel charts; however, there the glyphs are placed in a */
/* continuous ring, while here we have the left and right screen edges. */
/* Also, here we are placing two sets of planets at the same time. */
void FillSymbolLine(symbol)
real *symbol;
real orb = DEFORB*1.35*(real)gi.nScale, max = rDegMax, k1, k2, temp;
int i, j, k = 1, l;
if (gi.nMode != gEphemeris)
max *= (real)gi.nScale;
orb *= rDegMax/(real)gs.xWin;
/* Keep adjusting as long as we can still make changes. */
for (l = 0; k && l < us.nDivision*2; l++) {
k = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= cObj*2; i++)
if (FProper((i+1)/2) && symbol[i] >= 0.0) {
/* For each object, determine who is closest to the left and right. */
k1 = max-symbol[i]; k2 = -symbol[i];
for (j = 1; j <= cObj*2; j++) {
if (FProper((j+1)/2) && i != j) {
temp = symbol[j]-symbol[i];
if (temp < k1 && temp >= 0.0)
k1 = temp;
else if (temp > k2 && temp <= 0.0)
k2 = temp;
/* If an object's too close on one side, then we move to the other. */
if (k2 > -orb && k1 > orb) {
k = 1; symbol[i] = symbol[i]+orb*0.51+k2*0.49;
} else if (k1 < orb && k2 < -orb) {
k = 1; symbol[i] = symbol[i]-orb*0.51+k1*0.49;
} else if (k2 > -orb && k1 < orb) {
k = 1; symbol[i] = symbol[i]+(k1+k2)*0.5;
/* Given a zodiac degree, adjust it if need be to account for the expanding */
/* and compacting of parts the zodiac that happen when we display a graphic */
/* wheel chart such that all the houses appear the same size. */
real HousePlaceInX(deg)
real deg;
int in;
if (gi.nMode == gWheel) /* We only adjust for the -w -X combination. */
return deg;
in = HousePlaceIn(deg);
return Mod(ZFromS(in)+MinDistance(house[in], deg)/
MinDistance(house[in], house[Mod12(in+1)])*30.0);
** Multiple Chart Graphics Routines.
/* Draw another wheel chart; however, this time we have two rings of planets */
/* because we are doing a relationship chart between two sets of data. This */
/* chart is obtained when the -r0 is combined with the -X switch. */
void XChartWheelRelation()
real xsign[cSign+1], xhouse1[cSign+1], xplanet1[objMax], xplanet2[objMax],
int cx, cy, i, j;
real asc, unitx, unity, px, py, temp;
/* Set up variables and temporarily automatically decrease the horizontal */
/* chart size to leave room for the sidebar if that mode is in effect. */
if (gs.fText && !us.fVelocity)
gs.xWin -= xSideT;
cx = gs.xWin/2 - 1; cy = gs.yWin/2 - 1;
unitx = (real)cx; unity = (real)cy;
asc = gs.nLeft ? cp1.obj[abs(gs.nLeft)]+90*(gs.nLeft < 0) : cp1.cusp[1];
/* Fill out arrays with the degree of each object, cusp, and sign glyph. */
if (gi.nMode == gWheel) {
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
xhouse1[i] = PZ(cp1.cusp[i]);
} else {
asc -= cp1.cusp[1];
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
xhouse1[i] = PZ(ZFromS(i));
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
xsign[i] = PZ(HousePlaceInX(ZFromS(i)));
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
xplanet1[i] = PZ(HousePlaceInX(cp1.obj[i]));
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
xplanet2[i] = PZ(HousePlaceInX(cp2.obj[i]));
/* Draw the horizon and meridian lines across whole chart, and draw the */
/* zodiac and house rings, exactly like before. We are drawing only the */
/* houses of one of the two charts in the relationship, however. */
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse1[sAri])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse1[sAri])),
cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse1[sLib])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse1[sLib])), !gs.fColor);
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse1[sCap])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse1[sCap])),
cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.99, PX(xhouse1[sCan])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.99, PY(xhouse1[sCan])), !gs.fColor);
for (i = 0; i < nDegMax; i += 5-(gs.fColor || gs.fPS || gs.fMeta)*4) {
temp = PZ(HousePlaceInX((real)i));
px = PX(temp); py = PY(temp);
DrawColor(i%5 ? gi.kiGray : gi.kiOn);
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.78, px), cy+POINT1(unity, 0.78, py),
cx+POINT2(unitx, 0.82, px), cy+POINT2(unity, 0.82, py),
((gs.fPS || gs.fMeta) && i%5)*2);
DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.95+rRound), (int)(unity*0.95+rRound));
DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.82+rRound), (int)(unity*0.82+rRound));
DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.78+rRound), (int)(unity*0.78+rRound));
DrawCircle(cx, cy, (int)(unitx*0.70+rRound), (int)(unity*0.70+rRound));
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++) {
temp = xsign[i];
DrawLine(cx+POINT2(unitx, 0.95, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT2(unity, 0.95, PY(temp)),
cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.82, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.82, PY(temp)));
DrawLine(cx+POINT2(unitx, 0.78, PX(xhouse1[i])),
cy+POINT2(unity, 0.78, PY(xhouse1[i])),
cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.70, PX(xhouse1[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.70, PY(xhouse1[i])));
if (gs.fColor && i%3 != 1) {
DrawDash(cx, cy, cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.70, PX(xhouse1[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.70, PY(xhouse1[i])), 1);
temp = Midpoint(temp, xsign[Mod12(i+1)]);
DrawSign(i, cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.885, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.885, PY(temp)));
temp = Midpoint(xhouse1[i], xhouse1[Mod12(i+1)]);
DrawHouse(i, cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.74, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.74, PY(temp)));
/* Draw the outer ring of planets (based on the planets in the chart */
/* which the houses do not reflect - the houses belong to the inner ring */
/* below). Draw each glyph, a line from it to its actual position point */
/* in the outer ring, and then draw another line from this point to a */
/* another dot at the same position in the inner ring as well. */
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
symbol[i] = xplanet2[i];
for (i = cObj; i >= 1; i--) if (FProper2(i)) {
if (gs.fLabel) {
temp = symbol[i];
DrawColor(cp2.dir[i] < 0.0 ? gi.kiGray : gi.kiOn);
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.58, PX(xplanet2[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.58, PY(xplanet2[i])),
cx+POINT2(unitx, 0.61, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT2(unity, 0.61, PY(temp)),
(cp2.dir[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) - gs.fColor);
DrawObject(i, cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.65, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.65, PY(temp)));
DrawPoint(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.56, PX(xplanet2[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.56, PY(xplanet2[i])));
DrawPoint(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.43, PX(xplanet2[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.43, PY(xplanet2[i])));
DrawColor(cp2.dir[i] < 0.0 ? gi.kiGray : gi.kiOn);
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.45, PX(xplanet2[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.45, PY(xplanet2[i])),
cx+POINT2(unitx, 0.54, PX(xplanet2[i])),
cy+POINT2(unity, 0.54, PY(xplanet2[i])), 2-gs.fColor);
/* Now draw the inner ring of planets. If it weren't for the outer ring, */
/* this would be just like the standard non-relationship wheel chart with */
/* only one set of planets. Again, draw glyph, and a line to true point. */
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++)
symbol[i] = xplanet1[i];
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (FProper(i)) {
if (gs.fLabel) {
temp = symbol[i];
DrawColor(cp1.dir[i] < 0.0 ? gi.kiGray : gi.kiOn);
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.45, PX(xplanet1[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.45, PY(xplanet1[i])),
cx+POINT2(unitx, 0.48, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT2(unity, 0.48, PY(temp)),
(cp1.dir[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) - gs.fColor);
DrawObject(i, cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.52, PX(temp)),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.52, PY(temp)));
} else
DrawPoint(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.43, PX(xplanet1[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.43, PY(xplanet1[i])));
/* Draw lines connecting planets between the two charts that have aspects. */
if (!gs.fAlt) { /* Don't draw aspects in bonus mode. */
if (!FCreateGridRelation(fFalse))
for (j = cObj; j >= 1; j--)
for (i = cObj; i >= 1; i--)
if (grid->n[i][j] && FProper2(i) && FProper(j)) {
DrawDash(cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.41, PX(xplanet1[j])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.41, PY(xplanet1[j])),
cx+POINT1(unitx, 0.41, PX(xplanet2[i])),
cy+POINT1(unity, 0.41, PY(xplanet2[i])),
/* Go draw sidebar with chart information and positions if need be. */
/* Draw an aspect (or midpoint) grid in the window, between the planets in */
/* two different charts, with the planets labeled at the top and side. This */
/* chart is done when the -g switch is combined with the -r0 and -X switch. */
/* Like above, the chart always has a (definable) fixed number of cells. */
void XChartGridRelation()
char sz[cchSzDef];
int unit, siz, x, y, i, j, k, l;
KI c;
unit = CELLSIZE*gi.nScale; siz = (gs.nGridCell+1)*unit;
if (!FCreateGridRelation(gs.fAlt != us.fGridConfig))
for (y = 0, j = -1; y <= gs.nGridCell; y++) {
do {
} while (ignore[j] && j <= cObj);
DrawDash(0, (y+1)*unit, siz, (y+1)*unit, !gs.fColor);
DrawDash((y+1)*unit, 0, (y+1)*unit, siz, !gs.fColor);
DrawEdge(0, y*unit, unit, (y+1)*unit);
DrawEdge(y*unit, 0, (y+1)*unit, unit);
if (j <= cObj) for (x = 0, i = -1; x <= gs.nGridCell; x++) {
do {
} while (ignore[i] && i <= cObj);
/* Again, we are looping through each cell in each row and column. */
if (i <= cObj) {
gi.xTurtle = x*unit+unit/2;
gi.yTurtle = y*unit+unit/2 -
(gi.nScale/gi.nScaleT > 2 ? 5*gi.nScaleT : 0);
k = grid->n[i][j];
/* If current cell is on top row or left hand column, draw glyph */
/* of planet owning the particular row or column in question. */
if (y == 0 || x == 0) {
if (x+y > 0)
DrawObject(j == 0 ? i : j, gi.xTurtle, gi.yTurtle);
} else {
/* Otherwise, draw glyph of aspect in effect, or glyph of */
/* sign of midpoint, between the two planets in question. */
if (gs.fAlt == us.fGridConfig) {
if (k) {
DrawColor(c = kAspB[k]);
DrawAspect(k, gi.xTurtle, gi.yTurtle);
} else {
DrawColor(c = kSignB(grid->n[i][j]));
DrawSign(grid->n[i][j], gi.xTurtle, gi.yTurtle);
/* Again, when scale size is 300+, print some text in current cell: */
if (gi.nScale/gi.nScaleT > 2 && gs.fLabel) {
/* For top and left edges, print sign and degree of the planet. */
if (y == 0 || x == 0) {
if (x+y > 0) {
k = SFromZ(y == 0 ? cp2.obj[i] : cp1.obj[j]);
l = (int)((y == 0 ? cp2.obj[i] : cp1.obj[j])-ZFromS(k));
c = kSignB(k);
sprintf(sz, "%c%c%c %02d", chSig3(k), l);
/* For extreme upper left corner, print some little arrows */
/* pointing out chart1's planets and chart2's planets. */
} else {
c = gi.kiLite;
sprintf(sz, "1v 2->");
} else {
k = abs(grid->v[i][j]);
/* For aspect cells, print the orb in degrees and minutes. */
if (gs.fAlt == us.fGridConfig) {
if (grid->n[i][j])
sprintf(sz, "%c%d %02d'", k != grid->v[i][j] ?
(us.fAppSep ? 'a' : '-') : (us.fAppSep ? 's' : '+'),
k/60, k%60);
sprintf(sz, "");
/* For midpoint cells, print degree and minute. */
} else
sprintf(sz, "%2d %02d'", k/60, k%60);
DrawSz(sz, x*unit+unit/2, (y+1)*unit-3*gi.nScaleT, dtBottom);
/* Draw a graphic biorhythm chart on the screen, as is done when the -rb */
/* switch is combined with -X. This is technically a relationship chart in */
/* that biorhythm status is determined by a natal chart time at another */
/* later time. For the day in question, and for two weeks before and after, */
/* the Physical, Emotional, and Mental percentages are plotted. */
void XChartBiorhythm()
char sz[6], *c;
real jd, r, a;
int x1, x2, xs, cx, y1, y2, ys, cy, i, j, k, x, y, x0, y0;
k = xFont*6*gi.nScaleT;
x1 = k; x2 = gs.xWin-k; xs = x2-x1; cx = (x1+x2)/2;
y1 = k; y2 = gs.yWin-k; ys = y2-y1; cy = (y1+y2)/2;
/* Create a dotted day/percentage grid to graph on. */
DrawDash(x1, cy, x2, cy, 1);
DrawDash(cx, y1, cx, y2, 1);
for (j = -BIODAYS+1; j <= BIODAYS-1; j++) {
x = x1 + NMultDiv(xs, j+BIODAYS, BIODAYS*2);
for (k = -90; k <= 90; k += 10) {
y = y1 + NMultDiv(ys, 100+k, 200);
DrawPoint(x, y);
/* Now actually draw the three biorhythm curves. */
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
jd = RFloor(is.JD + rRound);
switch (i) {
case 1: r = brPhy; c = "PHYS"; j = eFir; break;
case 2: r = brEmo; c = "EMOT"; j = eWat; break;
case 3: r = brInt; c = "INTE"; j = eEar; break;
for (jd -= (real)BIODAYS, j = -BIODAYS; j <= BIODAYS; j++, jd += 1.0) {
a = RBiorhythm(jd, r);
x = x1 + NMultDiv(xs, j+BIODAYS, BIODAYS*2);
y = y1 + (int)((real)ys * (100.0-a) / 200.0);
if (j > -BIODAYS)
DrawLine(x0, y0, x, y);
DrawSz(c, x1/2, y+2*gi.nScaleT, dtCent);
x0 = x; y0 = y;
/* Label biorhythm percentages along right vertical axis. */
for (k = -100; k <= 100; k += 10) {
sprintf(sz, "%c%3d%%", k < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs(k));
y = y1 + NMultDiv(ys, 100-k, 200);
DrawSz(sz, (x2+gs.xWin)/2, y+2*gi.nScaleT, dtCent);
/* Label days on top horizontal axis. */
for (j = -BIODAYS+2; j < BIODAYS; j += 2) {
x = x1 + NMultDiv(xs, j+BIODAYS, BIODAYS*2);
sprintf(sz, "%c%d", j < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs(j));
DrawSz(sz, x, y1-2*gi.nScaleT, dtBottom);
DrawEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2);
#endif /* BIORHYTHM */
#endif /* GRAPH */
/* xcharts2.c */